Contact Us

Refund Policy

Once your order has been placed, it will be delivered and charged to your account, which is set up on your initial contact with us.
If we do not deliver the order you requested, please notify the dairy within 2 working days and a refund will be issued for goods ordered but not delivered.

Please be aware that we can not be held liable for goods delivered to your doorstep, which are then damaged by wildlife or weather.  It is your responsibility to make sure there is a safe place for us to leave your delivery.

Terms & Conditions

Failure to pay for goods delivered by Briscoes Dairy within 60 days will be subject to being sent to an external debt collecting company, where extra fees will be incurred for cost related to recovering the debt.

Contact time between 8am and 5pm – messages service available

Please leave a message with your name, address and telephone number and we will contact you back as soon as possible. Our answer phone is checked regularly throughout the day, but for urgent issues, please contact us as early as possible in the morning to avoid delay in response.

Telephone: 01829740272


Our main office address:  Briscoes Dairy, Austins Hill Farm, Tarporley Road, Tarvin, Chester, CH3 8NF

Registation Number : 04622685

Call us today on 01829 740272 or email